

What qualities do you desire in a leader?

Leadership is very important. I would say it becomes more important by the day! We have so many crisises, we need good leaders! Are you one? What if our leaders are visionary, good communicators, humble, decisive, empowering, with wisdom, vulnerable, have integrity, are good listeners, enthusiastic and have a good sense of humor? Wouldn’t the world be a better place? Do you want to be(come) a leader like that?

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What is a good culture to work in?

The best way for a team to thrive is to have a good, solid culture to work in. How could that look like? Words like respect, honesty, encouragement, trust, empathy, integrity, no gossip, accountable, productive, ethical, supportive, …, etc. are key in a such a culture. Maybe you can add your own words to it. When you build the culture, or are part of establishing it, ask yourself: do I want to be part of a team working with a

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The art of leadership

Scary! I just read a leadership article mentioning that “leadership is the art of seduction”. Wow, it could not be more off to what I consider to be true leadership. I believe is that love is the key. It truly is! To look the other in the eyes and fire up your desire to get to truly know them. What motivates them, what their TRUE passions are, and also where they were hurt. My first focus as leader is people.

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“How to see this crisis through” or “How to see through this crisis”?

Will my business survive this crisis? How do I continue my business? Are these your questions? We help you to zoom out to the level of vision and purpose in order to innovate or renew yourselves. The next step is creating meaningful partnerships to launch your new business idea. Check out our new turnaround page with free tools to start with!

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Leadership tips

Never waste a good crisis!

Winston Churchill proved to be a solid leader during the second world war. He said: “Never let a good crisis go to waste”. He understood the principle that a crisis also provides opportunities; meant for good, not evil. I want to challenge you during this Covid-19 crisis to really think about the good things that can come out of this. Remember, we, you and me, are in control of making the good happen! Don’t fall into the evil trap of

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Leadership tips

Good Intentions!

We all know that feeling at 1st of January, after we have done the “lots”: eat a lot, stay up a lot, drink a… Enough! We want to improve our life! Recognise it? I do! A lot… So we start with Good Intentions. Dieting, sports and many more plans; being though on ourselves. Around this time, halfway January, the chance is that we have broken some of these Good Intentions already. And by the end of the quarter we feel

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Leadership tips

Why is our company called LYDIA Connect?

Do you know that feeling? Staying within a confined space where what you need is lacking? It is time to explore the changes you desire in order to be an authentic leader! As a trades person, the woman Lydia from Thyatira who lived around 50 AC decided to move to Philippi, a Roman colony and trade city in Macedonia. The reason for doing that was marketing; the Roman emperor had decided that only high Roman officials were allowed to wear

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