Leadership for breakthrough!

Remove constraints

Empower your team

Grow your business

Many SME entrepreneurs experience how difficult it is to remove constraints and grow a successful business. That is why we have developed a 5-step leadership method that allows you to achieve healthy growth with a successful and responsible team.

Going in circles is no fun

Stop wasting your time, money and energy. You were designed for more. Start today and move your business successfully towards healthy growth.

Use your resources wisely

Healthy growth is not only about bigger. But also better, stronger, faster and more sustainable. Grow your business by building a high-performing team. Become able-bodied, agile, vital and resilient!

Stop fighting the symptoms

Remove the constraints and align your team with your mission.

Avoid expensive, complicated programs

Follow our proven, effective 5-step method and build your high-performing team.

Achieve healthy growth

Prepare for opportunities with your team and fulfil your vision.

We know how it feels to do it alone

That is why we help leaders develop their teams

Monique (trainer, consultant) is an entrepreneur with a heart for economic justice. As a political scientist she found that when politically nothing is possible, entrepreneurs can offer solutions. She mobilizes and inspires entrepreneurs to bring lasting transformation to their society, utilizing creative solutions in complex situations.

Tiemen (CEO, consultant) is a visionary leader who is passionate about recognizing and revealing potential in people and organizations. He has more than 25 years of experience as an executive, transformation consultant and senior program manager. His strength lies in creating new ideas and solutions, and implement these through building high-performing teams.

We help you with consultancy and training


Overcome your business constraints and grow in stability, independence, revenue, profitability and relevance. Make your business future proof, implement a high-performing culture with a long-term vision.

Training toolbox

Train your team the 5-step method to build a culture for removal of constraints, powerful increase in business performance and healthy relationships.

Steps to achieve results

Schedule a meeting

Meet with us, so we can get to know you and help define your goals. You will receive value the first meeting.

Receive your plan

Together we will create a tailor-made plan to accomplish your goals, including tools, training and consultancy.​

Get results

Succeed in moving your business towards healthy growth!

What can you expect

How do you make business growth a success? There are numerous training courses and methods available that target symptoms. That makes it unnecessarily expensive, complicated as it does not address the root cause.

Our motto is, “stop fighting the symptoms and remove the core constraints”.
There are seven constraints that play a role in more than 90% of the cases. Our approach is simple. We identify the biggest constraint for your situation and give you the tools and ingredients to remove it. Many leaders have influence in one way or another, but few leaders know how to positively impact people or make their businesses succeed. You cannot grow alone. Your company and especially your people are essential in achieving growth. With our leadership method we distinguish five steps in the development of teams.
We assess where you and your team stand and give you a concrete step-by-step plan what you can implement as a leader to achieve the goals you have in mind.
We do not like long-running, open-ended trajectories. That is why we always work with a plan, the 5-step method, tools and targeted consultancy. That way you as client know what to expect and stay in control.

Story highlights


The art of leadership

Scary! I just read a leadership article mentioning that “leadership is the art of seduction”. Wow, it could not be more off to what I

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What our clients say

The Transformational Leadership training has given me concrete tools to turn our team into a high performing team. It was very pleasant how Tiemen and Monique took the time to apply it directly in our company in addition to giving the theory by discussing our cases. If you want to change your team, you will have to change yourself. If you want to change, Tiemen and Monique are happy to help you. Highly recommended!
Berend Jan Andringa
Director AS Vancare
The Transformational Leadership training gives a positive impulse for more decisiveness in your work environment.
Frank Weening
Director Dutch Blower
Every entrepreneur knows that from time to time you have to go on an 'awayday'. But sometimes you want to do that without the staff, to update yourself and check whether you are still on the right track.   In trust and in connection with God, Tiemen and Monique gave a very clear training about how you can really run business processes effectively. How do you deal with people who are not in the right place, how can you inspire your staff in a meeting to take a targeted action, what do you do if you realize that you have missed a turn, or see one coming that you maybe should go take? Everything can be tabled! Extremely valuable training!
Francine van Broekhoven
De Groene Zuster
I was so positive about the book that together with the whole management team we did the Transformational Leadership training. As a team it improved our relations and we ran the best year in our whole existence.
Alef Meulenberg
Chairman and Founder at Rhiza Babuyile
Transformational Leadership (TL) is a different leadership training because themes such as gossip, accountability and taking responsibility as a leader are so clearly presented. Subjects that are interpreted in the organization are substantiated in what it requires of you as a leader to get to that desired stage and what you do and do not want to allow in your organization. I would recommend TL to all leaders who want and dare to make choices for the organization. Those who want to be aware of what establishing a relational culture requires and yields.
Henriette van Dort
Hamewith Talent Development
Sometimes you have those training courses that leave a deep impression on you, simply because they help you to shed a light over all your business activities and to proceed from a clear vision and strategy. That was the Transformational Leadership training for me. With the right focus I can now continue to build on my new company, my team and myself.
Marije van den Berg
Author, speaker and event coordinator

Some of our clients


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